Dumping ground for caustic, toxic materials

Regional collection event scheduled for computers, hazardous waste  

 It’s time to recycle that outdated computer safely. Seventy-two  municipalities are hosting a Household Hazardous Waste and Computer Collection Event for county residents on Saturday, Oct. 13.

 The collection will occur  at the Government Services Center, 601 Westtown Rd., West Chester,  from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., county officials said.

Residents may bring as many as three computers and related accessories andno more than 220 pounds or 25 gallons of hazardous products per household. Hazardous cleaning and maintenance products will have the following cautionary words on the label: poisonous, caustic, toxic, flammable, ignitable, corrosive, reactive, caution, warning, danger or hazardous.

Materials that will not be accepted include latex paint (which is not hazardous), used motor oil, tires, asbestos, explosives, gas cylinders greater than 20 pounds, household alkaline batteries, PCBs, medical waste, unidentified waste, commercial and industrial, explosives, ammunition and appliances containing Freon.

For information on how to properly handle unacceptable materials and for the other regional collection events scheduled, visit www.chestercountyswa.org or call individual  municipalities or the Chester County Solid Waste Authority at 610-273-3771, ext. 228.



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