On Your Table: Summer is a great time for pot luck dinners

And how to get your guests to do most of the work
By Cathy Branciaroli, Food Correspondent, The Times
For a potluck, individual servings can often do better than large casseroles.
There’s no better time of the year to gather small groups of friends or relatives for dinner on warm summer evenings. The best approach is to enlist anyone who can work the grill, and beg everyone to make his or her favorite...
On Your Table: Summer produce in its glory

Fresh, local corn, tomatoes, peppers and more are a delight
ByCathy Branciaroli, Food Correspondent, The Times
It’s all fresh, local and delicious! This is the peak season for locally grown produce.
We’ve been enjoying the summer produce season for weeks already, but it’s right now – when July has melted its way into August that the summer harvest is at its peak. Corn is coming...
On Your Table: Zucchini is fresh, local and tasty

By Cathy Branciaroli, Food Correspondent, The Times
Zucchini come in all shapes and sizes. Try stuffing one of these globe varieties with rice and vegetables for a new take on summer taste.
There’s no shortage of locally-grown zucchini this time of year, whether from home gardens or farmers markets, and while zucchini is available at the grocery year-round, it tastes best in season. Guess what...
Parents’ guide to summer dental health

By Dr. Stephanie McGann, DMD FAGD, Columnist, The Times
Summer is here and if your kids are like mine, they would rather sleep, eat, stare at their video screens and repeat. Without regular prodding things that are more normal in their routine seem to fall by the wayside.
Keep oral hygiene a priority; I know as a mom I get a much-needed break from the early AM roller coaster of getting kids out the...
Longwood Gardens lights up the summer night

Summer Spectacular is on view now through September 5. Photo by Hank Davis.
EAST MARLBOROUGH — Summer at Longwood Gardens is extraordinary by day and night. From the Waterlily Display featuring more than 100 types of colorful day- and night-blooming waterlilies, to the expansive Meadow Garden, to the shady groves of Peirce’s Woods, to performances under the stars, there is something for everyone...
On Your Table: It’s Grilling Season

Summer is here, so is delicious flavor
By Cathy Branciaroli, Food Correspondent, The Times
Grilled fruits combined with vegetables add smokiness and sweetness to summer salsas.
In late June it’s already high summer, so get ready to get cooking with fire – grilling that is. Grilling brings out the best in the usual roster of meats, fish and vegetables. After a stint on the grill they emerge flame-licked...
A fun summer reading list

A sampling of fun beach reads for you to check out
By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times
One of the major downsides of being in graduate school is “reading fatigue.” I am forced to absorb so much information into my tiny, little brain that reading for pleasure gets put on the backburner.
Therefore, whatever leisure book I do pick up must be great from the getgo.
There is nothing better than...
Springtime puts stress on women

While men just let it all hang out, women want perfect summer bodies
By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times
Spring is here! FINALLY. I know this not because of the weather forecast or by sticking my head out the front door…I know this because every female in my life is on a diet.
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