Posts Tagged "listening session"
OJRSD community invited to attend a virtual focus group on March 9
Feb 14th, 2022 · Comments Off on OJRSD community invited to attend a virtual focus group on March 9

The Owen J. Roberts School District (OJRSD) is in the process of reviewing its communication initiatives and is seeking input from school personnel, parents and guardians, and the community through a series of focus groups. Focus group participants will share their perceptions about the district as well as its communications strategy. Parents and guardians, staff and students have been invited to attend...
ORJSD to listening session on planning, Dec. 8
Nov 30th, 2021 · Comments Off on ORJSD to listening session on planning, Dec. 8

The Owen J. Roberts School District (OJRSD) invites the community to a listening session to encourage feedback and input from the community and families within the district. The feedback will be used to identify OJRSD priorities as the process of comprehensive planning for the 2022-23 school year begins. The OJRSD comprehensive plan will be a 3-6-year plan that will drive the district’s mission and...