Who did build that?

The role of government — and how it needs to change — in terms of small business won’t fit on a placard or a sound bite
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
The burden — or helping hand — of government and its role with small business was placed front and center this week in a pair of back-to-back rallies on the old courthouse steps in West Chester Thursday.
The furor over President Barack...
Will Tea Party accidently reelect Obama?

Could the ongoing purge of old-line Republicans weaken party, dampen Nov. turnout?
By Mike McGann, Editor, UnionvilleTimes.com
What, if any conclusions can we draw from this week’s primary election races?
Obviously, rule one of politics: money matters. In almost every race, the better funded campaign won — and in the case of the race for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate, despite the active...